Mentor (2019-2021)

I was born in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe and by age 13, after being introduced to people experiencing stigmatisation because of poverty and HIV, I knew I had a calling on my life.  At age 20, I left everything I knew to move to London to start my training as a Paediatric Nurse. 14years after graduating I am a Registered Sick Children’s Nurse, Head of Service for Safeguarding Children and Child Protection, Podcaster and an aspiring Social Entrepreneur.   All of these achievements were made possible by believing in my calling, re-seeing poverty but in London and seeking out opportunities to learn, self-develop and understand how to address social injustice issues.

At one stage I was studying at 2 Universities simultaneously, in total I have studied at 4 Universities to obtain my Nursing Leadership and Child Protection qualifications. Learning never ends, so I am back at University studying for a CMI Business Management degree and also training at the NHS Leadership Academy. To relax, I travel abroad and have 3 electric sewing machines, which I use to create outfits and accessories made out of African fabrics.  I decided to be a Mentor because as a Black African woman, I would like young women and girls to have options in regards to who they can look up to because when I first moved to London, the faces I saw or the places I looked to, for inspiration lacked diversity, as a result with the exception of University appointed Mentors, I never had a Mentor.