Mentor since 2019

Dee has worked for 28 years in London with two careers in finance and then design.  She is the founder of Velvet Orange, an Interiors and Property company based in South London and in 2017, she built a small hotel in Sri Lanka which opened its doors in 2018.

Having a career change after a decade as an accountant, and also working in a multitude of different environments both within the corporate and private business sector in the UK and Internationally,  Dee is keen to help by passing on her experiences to mentees who want guidance and a sounding board to move forward with their own choices.

“Being a woman in business is incredibly rewarding and requires hard work, focus and passion. It is important to have a plan, and it is ok if the plan changes, the key is to make sure that decisions are made in a considered way and changes made for the right reasons. Anything is possible if you believe in yourself and have the courage to follow your instincts”

Dee has a degree in Electronic Engineering, is a qualified accountant and now works as an Interior Designer focussing on Interior Architecture (her real interest). Her path has not been straightforward but she firmly believes that every era of her life has taught her something valuable to get to where she is now.