

Having a mentor benefited me because Iโ€™m able to have my application reviewed and edited so itโ€™s to an even better standard. Also, having her to talk to in detail about my personal aspects as well as my school work. This has heavily impacted how I perceive my work as...


Having a mentor has been great, having someone to speak to and share things with outside of my family and friends felt like having a safe space, without feeling any kind of judgement. I feel that Iโ€™ve become more open and comfortable talking about myself since having...


Having a mentor has helped me look at situations from different perspectives and have a better outlook on life in general. I now have a new perspective on meeting new people and different types of people. It has also given me a person to talk through things with...


My mentor has most definitely opened my eyes and been there for me when I have had tough decisions to make, for example: sixth forms and universities. She also makes me think more into a certain decision or something such as a passion or interest. Her advice is always...


Iโ€™m so thankful that the scheme is accessible, in terms of costs. No one should be limited due to their financial situation. The first meeting was helpful to get to meet other like minded young women and all of the BelEve team assured us we would be safeguarded and...