About BelEve

Building an inclusive world for girls and young women


Our Story

After the sudden death of our mother, we experienced firsthand the profound impact of having a positive female role model who instilled the values of courage and the power of exercising one’s voice. This life-altering experience motivated us to turn our grief into something positive – an organisation that empowers girls to realise their dreams and challenges traditional notions of female leadership.

 – an organisation that empowers girls to realise their dreams and challenges traditional notions of female leadership.

Believing in Unity

Founded in 2012, BelEve firmly believes in the unity of sisterhood. It is our unwavering support for each other and the collective effort that has driven us to succeed. We understand the importance of creating a network of positive role models for girls, providing them with resilience, inspiration, and the belief that they too can achieve greatness.

Inspiring the Next Generation

At BelEve, we are passionate about inspiring the next generation of strong women. We strive to redefine what it means to be a female leader in today’s world. Through mentorship programmes, workshops, and empowering initiatives, we guide girls on their journey to self-discovery, encouraging them to embrace their unique talents, voices, and aspiration.


Marsha, Chyloe and Rochelle Powell.

Our Mission

Equipping girls and young women with the skills, support and confidence to find their voice and make informed choices about their future

Our Vision

All girls and young women are empowered to become leaders in their own world.