The early careers initiative by BelEve has become a beacon of opportunity, offering valuable insights into a multitude of industries, sectors, and organizations. 


This initiative is not just a programme; it’s a dynamic partnership between BelEve  and corporate organisations committed to fostering diversity and corporate responsibility.


Career Insight Days:
Opening Doors to Potential


In collaboration with corporate partners, BelEve  has developed Career Insight Days as a strategic initiative to introduce local, talented individuals to diverse industries and businesses. These events go beyond standard recruitment methods, providing young women aged 14-22 with a unique opportunity to explore various career options.


Programme Highlights

Industry Exposure:

Young women gain insights into different industries, expanding their understanding of potential career paths.

Career Advice and Skill Development:

Participants receive valuable career advice and engage in skill-building activities to enhance employability.

Role Models and Mentor:

The initiative brings successful female role models to the forefront, providing inspiration and guidance.

Internships and Work Experience:

Beyond insights, the initiative opens doors to internships and work experience opportunities, connecting talent with corporate needs.

Why Career Insights Matters:

Diversity and Inclusion:

Promoting diversity in various industries, ensuring equal access to opportunities for all.

Corporate Responsibility:

Supporting corporate responsibility agendas by actively engaging with local talent.

Empowering Young Women:

Providing a platform for young women to explore, learn, and access opportunities that might have been otherwise inaccessible.