It Is That Deep

It Is That Deep

Shocking figures just released by UN Women UK after YouGov survey surveyed over 1,000 women.  The finding; 97% of young women 18-24 in the UK have been sexually harassed 80% of women of all ages said they had been harassed in a public space 96% of...
Choose To Challenge

Choose To Challenge

Hey, it’s Marsha, the CEO of BelEve, wishing you a Happy International Women’s Month! Over the last couple of weeks, I have been a guest speaker on several Podcasts and the infamous question has been, why did you start BelEve? The answer is because I...
Tips to Save Money As A Student

Tips to Save Money As A Student

Saving money as a student can be so difficult, so here are some tips for you to use that are efficient and effective. In these ways you won’t end up as a broke student as quickly as you think! Let’s delay that overdraft girl! MEAL PREP: Planning your meals saves you...
Period Poverty –  Yoppie

Period Poverty – Yoppie

An educational guide about period poverty, understanding the myths and taboos around menstruation, and ways to address, educate, and empower girls and women against period poverty. Click the link for find out...
I’m Bored of Being BAME

I’m Bored of Being BAME

Attempts to become more inclusive and diverse have left institutions becoming ignorant to the unique experiences of different ethnicities and their experiences, to be branded as diverse and inclusive and, therefore, preventing media and public scrutiny. I understand...