
Shocking figures just released by UN Women UK after YouGov survey surveyed over 1,000 women.  The finding;

97% of young women 18-24 in the UK have been sexually harassed

80% of women of all ages said they had been harassed in a public space

96% of respondents did not report the incidents

45% think it reporting would not change anything

UN Women’s campaign is demanding safe, inclusive public spaces for all. BelEve’s It Is That Deep campaign has found that a large percentage of girls and young women do not understand what sexual harassment is and thus it becomes normalised in their peer groups.

The It That Deep Campaign has designed a workshop to increase girls’ awareness and give them tools to identify unwanted sexual behaviour.  The workshop supports girls understanding of what sexual harassment looks like, as well as gives them the confidence to call out in a safe way.  This monthly 90-minute workshop has the young women leaving with a wealth of knowledge and tools to support each other.

If you would like to learn more about sexual harassment, book your place for the next workshop today.


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