Our BelEve Young Leadership Board will be fundraising throughout the Summer and have organised their first fundraising event taking place on Sunday 1 August 2021
They welcome you all to join them by putting on your walking shoes as we walk 25 km around London’s best views & 6 Historic Bridges, raising funds to continue our work of empowering young girls.
All funds raised will go towards the BelEve Young Leadership Board facilitating a FREE one-week Summer Camp for up to 30 girls aged 8-11.
Our Young Leadership board will peer mentor all the young girls on the summer camp whilst giving them the tools to find their inner superhero!
Come rain, snow or shine we will walk 25 km starting at Westminster tube station ending at Tower Hill tube station on Sunday 1 August 2021 at 10 am.
Please help us to reach our 3k target by either getting sponsored and joining our walk, making a donation via https://localgiving.org/YLBSummerFundraiser or leading your own fundraising event, and please share our appeal so we continue to impact the lives of many more young girls
Please complete the below form to get involved
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