The Younger Chapter

An opportunity for girls aged 14-18 living in the London Borough of Lewisham. Have your voice heard.

The Younger Chapter

An opportunity for girls aged 14-18 living in the London Borough of Lewisham


Children In Need have partnered with BelEve to bring social change, opportunities and a voice to young people.

Supported by Children In Need our 18 month programme will deliver the opportunity to discuss a broad range of social and community issues the girls are keen to explore. 

Developing their voices will help them flourish as they begin to tackle social action issues while they confidently convey their message to support their community through focus groups, plus much more. 

What’s Involved?

We are looking for ten girls to be part of this unique opportunity to join our sisterhood and have their voices heard.

Candidates need to be committed and dedicated. Girls who want to see change and are keen to learn, grow and make new friends.

Within this programme, we are offering them the platform to unlock their potential and will be providing full training to develop themselves personally and teach transferable skills for now and beyond.

They can get involved in designing this programme and what they want to cover, when they want to do it and how. We are here to facilitate the programme, but will be taking the lead from the girls to allow them full control of their social action campaign. 

We are super excited to be launching this brand new campaign and opening a whole world of opportunities to the lucky ten girls.

Get involved, get creative and show us your true authentic-self.

This opportunity is FREE.
Apply NOW!

There’s only room for 10 girls!

All of our programmes are designed to support and empower girls to fulfil their life and career prospects, working alongside schools and the community to inspire individual, educational and social change. 

 We BelEve it is crucial to inspire and empower girls and young women to maximise their potential and celebrate their achievements. We work not only with the girls but also with their primary influencers – parents, teachers, local communities, and other youth agencies to create sustainable impact.

How To Apply

Send your video or document application to:

Or alternatively head over to our Instagram page @beleveuk and send as a DM including your name, age and email addresss.

We are looking forward to seeing your entries!

For more information, scroll down to check out the Application Process.


Launch Date


We have an exciting opportunity for you to get involved, have your say and create change.
Are you up for the challenge? 

Get Involved!

Applications are now open for the opportunity to become part of our sisterhood and bring about social change. Check out our What’s Involved and How To Apply sections above for more details.

Applications Close

Please ensure you have entered by 13th February 2023 with your video or document application via our Instagram page, or by sending to
Please do not enter after this date.

Selection Process Begins

From all the fantastic entries we have had, we are now in a difficult situation where we need to shortlist those that stand out the most. It’s not going to be easy.
Wish us luck.

Shortlisting Process

Week commencing 6th March we will be making calls to those who have made it through to the next round. On this call we will discuss your community change idea, find out a little bit more about you and answer any questions you may have.

Decision Time

From the pool of entries we receive we will be looking at each and every single one. 10th March the team will get together and choose the final 10.

The BIG Announcement

Notifying and announcing the Core Girls for this amazing opportunity! 

Programme Starts

Because our selected ten girls are leading the programme, we cannot provide any further details on the structure until we have met them and understand their objectives and availability as a group.
Once this has been decided and agreed, a full itinerary will be planned.



Be a part of our movement

Join our community of changemakers and start making a difference today!