
Christmas is a time of sharing, giving, and showing love. It’s also a perfect opportunity to give a different kind of gift; one that doesn’t come in a box or with a bow but can have an incredible impact on people’s lives. That gift is mentorship. Mentoring is an empowering tool that can foster growth, development, and success for young women.

So we’ve created the ultimate Christmas wish list which includes the key elements that make up a successful mentor-mentee relationship—a gift that keeps on giving.

Dear Mentor, all our sisterhood wants for Christmas is…someone who can:

  1. Provide encouragement and motivation:  
  2. Act as role models:  
  3. Offer feedback:  
  4. Inspire growth and development.
  5. Provide career guidance:  
  6. Help set goals:  
  7. Accelerate growth:  
  8. Act as a connector: 
  9. Actively listen:  . 

This holiday season is the perfect time to reflect on our own journeys and think about how we can use our experiences to enlighten others. As mentors, you will provide the invaluable gift of empowerment and transformation. If you can offer 90 mins of your time a month over 6 months to support one of our young women we’d love to hear from you.

To apply or find out more head here


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