
Today marks the start of Black History month, where throughout October BelEve will be sharing stories to inspire, educate and inform communities. about the issues which matter the most to our sisterhood.

We’re starting by revisiting our Founder story – a story that epitomises the spirit of sisterhood, the power of resilience, and allyship. 

Our Story retold

It’s no small feat to turn grief into empowerment, to channel pain into creativity, and to build something of value from a place of loss but that is exactly what Marsha, Chyloe and Rochelle have done.   

Marsha, Chyloe and Rochelle’s mum was not just a mother – she was their guiding light and a positive role model who had instilled in them the values of strength, courage, and the power of their voice. Her unexpected death in 2011 opened their eyes to the real value of having a positive female role model.  

This realisation transformed into an idea and that idea is BelEve – a place that today offers all girls and young women:  

  • A positive female role model  
  • An environment to learn, and feel inspired   
  • An opportunity to grow personally and professionally  

The sisters are all too familiar with the challenges faced by young black women today and are dedicated to making a positive change for the next generation. Through BelEve’s four core programmes young people can build confidence, develop new skills and are encouraged to question and challenge societal norms. 

Twelve years on BelEve is a resounding echo of empowerment, inspiration, unity, and change, touching over 15,000 young lives.  

A tried and tested approach

At the heart of the programmes we deliver is the importance of Embracing Difference through sisterhood.   

This approach allows girls and young woman to appreciate their uniqueness, strengths, dreams, and challenges. And by working together young women not only celebrate success but learn to support each other to overcome challenges,  

In her own words, Marsha says, “It is a gift to be able to impact the lives of so many young people through our Sisterhood. The strength of ‘we’ is what has carried us through the last 12 years.”  

Join our sisterhood

We have dedicated one week of half term Monday, 23rd October to Friday, 30th October to Embracing Difference through sisterhood. To view the timetable and book your daughter on head here

Come with us this month on a journey of empowerment, unity, and Sisterhood by following us at @BelEve_UK



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