
Changing what it means to be a girl

​Festival of The Girl is a not-for-profit initiative that aims to inspire and engage girls aged 7 – 11 years and support adults to raise girls in a less stereotyped way.

Our mission strongly aligns with theirs – and together we are better off sharing all we know about empowering girls and young women throughout the U.K.

The festival has been co-Founder by Abi Wright and takes place every October to coincide with a variety of activities which support UN’s International Day of the Girl Child. 

Here’s what you can expect from Festival of the Girl 2023

Expect a supercharged day of inspiring and engaging activities for the girls and their families to explore their superpowers.  

Activities and workshops will include: coding and robotics to art and sustainability. F1 motorsports and rugby to aviation and gaming. Body confidence and music to podcasting and activism. Science and British Army Bootcamps to choreography and wellbeing and much more!

During the day, our BelEve Team will be running a friendship workshop so please do visit, give the session a go or simply pop by to say ‘hi’ – we’d love t see you!


Festival of the Girl Themes


As the female body becomes more visible in all shapes and sizes, how do we learn to love our own?  From posture to periods and make-up to muscles, we’ll cover it.


As modern girls grow into modern women, the ‘have-it-all’ pressure is on.  Research shows perfectionism is on the rise and damaging our mental health.  Let’s raise girls with agile minds.  We’ll talk resilience, dealing with uncertainty, and positive mental habits.


Women are still hugely under-represented in certain careers and it shouldn’t be that way.  We’ll smash stereotypes and meet women excelling across the spectrum. 


Do feminists wear pink?  Is feminism an old-fashioned word?  Does being a feminist threaten men?  We’ll create our own version of inclusive and adaptable feminism that girls can embody.


Most of us have no idea what the world will be like in 10 or 25 years from now.  Young girls are our future game changers.  We’ll explore big world issues from climate change to politics.  Let’s raise girls who feel confident to use their voice.    

Sign up to the event

Start the half-term off with a creative bang by heading here  to buy a ticket

Festival of the Girl, is on this Saturday 21st October 2023 , 10am-4pm at the British Design Centre  .

And you can download a FREE Festival of the Girl activity book for your daughter by clicking here


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