I’m so thankful that the scheme is accessible, in terms of costs. No one should be limited due to their financial situation.

BelEve in Her Success Programme

I’m so thankful that the scheme is accessible, in terms of costs. No one should be limited due to their financial situation.

BelEve in Her Success Programme

I’m so thankful that the scheme is accessible, in terms of costs. No one should be limited due to their financial situation. The first meeting was helpful to get to meet other like minded young women and all of the BelEve team assured us we would be safeguarded and they have definitely kept to their word. I’ve enjoyed the past 6 months with my mentor so far, although slightly disrupted by the pandemic, my mentor and I were still able to make good progress and communicate. I only wish that there could be more workshops for a wider range of careers although I appreciate there can’t be things for every single career. I also would have liked for there to be more opportunities to engage with the other mentees, obviously not entirely easy due to lockdown however group Zoom quizzes or something of the sort would have been nice to bond over. Overall I’m looking forward to my next few months with my BelEve mentor.

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