
On our mission for togetherness and love this summer we’ve met many amazing girls and young women. One is Precious Osowo who we welcomed into the team in a summer intern post. Precious has gained experience in marketing and press as well as supporting our team with events, social content and of course this blog! We asked Precious, to write a letter to her future self this summer.

FutureMe letters are great for…

  • ❤️ Deeper self-awareness
  • 📈 Acknowledging growth & achievements
  • ✅ Setting goals for the future
  • 😌 Decluttering your mind to find some headspace

Why not try it out for yourself? In the meantime, get inspired, here is what Precious wrote:

Dear Future Precious,

Firstly, you are stronger and more capable than you think. You’ve landed your first internship- go you!

Secondly, it’s really important for young women, like me, to be excited and have aspirations for their future.

This could be a week ahead goal, in a month or years to come, as long as you constantly aim to set yourself goals and have a positive outlook on the road ahead life will be full of interesting experiences.

My future self is no longer going to be late for work or uni as my manager may be disappointed and its starts my day off with unnecessary stress

Instead, the future me will:

Practice time management will plan what type of transport to take at the weekend for the week ahead, taking into consideration time scheduling etc

I’ll use apps that can help plan a journey for a more efficient route e.g. Transport for London Citymapper or Google maps

My future self will take my well-being seriously

For example:

  • My future self looks like me loving myself by doing a face mask once a week, getting my nails done and consuming some fresh literature or music.
  • I’ll read something interesting (and not be on a screen) an hour before bedtime, this will make me want to fall asleep quicker (I hope!) which will mean that I would wake up earlier in the morning, so I can still take that bus and get to work on time!

My future self knows what career I’d like, and I’ll keep on pushing to get there

Things I will consider:

  • I will explore the best educational and career route for ‘ME’ and I will continually challenge and ask myself why I might want to do this, making sure that my reasons are valid.

Lastly, Dear future self, please let me continue to be confident in everything I do

  • Self-proclamation in the mirror every day ‘I am beautiful’ ‘I am worthy’ ‘I am loved’. I’ll take care of myself to help maintain and improve my confidence.

With courageous love,



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