Having a mentor has given me a person to talk through things with without judgement...

BelEve in Her Success Programme

Having a mentor has given me a person to talk through things with without judgement...

BelEve in Her Success Programme

Having a mentor has helped me look at situations from different perspectives and have a better outlook on life in general. I now have a new perspective on meeting new people and different types of people.

It has also given me a person to talk through things with without judgement.

Over the last 6 months I have learnt how to properly manage my time to reduce my stress in regards to my exams. I have also learnt how Important it is to take a break from work in order to not overwhelm myself. My mentor has taught me not to have a fixed perspective when meeting new people or a bias.

I think that young women should have a mentor for guidance and motivation especially in a society which is constantly trying to bash us down. A mentor is also important to give advice without judgement or shame in a world which is constantly trying to judge and shame young women. It also uplifts young women by giving us role models.

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