As we enter into exam results week, we want to take a moment to remind you that you are already more than enough. So whether your results are...
Category: Personal Development Tips
Get ready for a sizzling summer of love and wellbeing!
4 self-care tips to help you through the summer (and always) If you are looking for new ways to support your mental and physical health then...
I wish someone told me…
I want to write this blog for those who want a preempt to school life. It can be very challenging to stay motivated when you’re within education as well as dealing with everything else in your life. So I thought I’d tell you a few things I wish someone told me.
5 Things Im Tired of doing/ hearing as a black student
Hey, My name is Esther A; I have just recently finished my UCAS application and felt compelled to highlight the experiences black students have...
You Can Do It….. You’ve Got This
My name is Annika and I feel that a lot of the time we put ourselves down because we think before actually trying. Majority of people have probably...
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