
by | Oct 4, 2023 | Education & Career | 0 comments


WOW’s International Day of the Girl is a United Nations initiative which recognises the unique challenges girls face around the world.

The International Day of the Girl (IDG) is a global platform to advocate for the full spectrum of girls’ rights.  

Here’s the thing, attention and resourcing that enables girls to realise their rights and achieve their fullest potential is urgently needed.

UNICEF have identified the key areas for investment as:

Read UNICEF’ ‘s report in full here

Ways you can support #IDG on Wednesday, 11th October

  • Share our Instagram #DayOfTheGirl posts on your stories  
  • Leave a comment and tell us what changes to current policies you’d like to see for girls and young women
  • Share what you love about being a young women or parent to a girl and remember to tag @beleve_uk + @wowglobal
  • Are you a parent to a daughter? Join in all the fin that Festival of The Girl has to offer on 21st October, in London.
  • Let young women, parents and teachers know about our programmes or those resources of other girls Charites.
  • Sign yourself up as an mentor to one of the WOW Girls Festival which will tour the country

Together, let’s #BelEveInBigger – join our sisterhood today by signing up to our monthly newsletter here


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